Mercredi 9 octobre 2013
| 1988 tirage: 8 exemplaires de 1/8 à 8/8, 4 épreuves d'artiste de EA1/4 à EA4/4, 1 exemplaire 1/1 technique: Transculpture dimensions en mm.: 1040 x 600 x 760 description: Vénus et guitare découpées, resoudées ensemble, patine verte, bronze editeur: Arman, New York (USA) fabriqué par: Bocquel, Bréauté (France)
| 1988 edition size: 8 copies from 1/8 to 8/8, 4 artist proofs from EA1/4 to EA4/4, 1 copy 1/1 technique: Transculpture dimensions in inches.: 40,9 x 23,6 x 29,9 medium: Venus and guitar sliced, bronze with green patina, welded publisher: Arman, New York (USA) maker: Bocquel, Bréauté (France) |
Arman avait la reconnaissance du ventre. Il rendait hommage à ceux qui, indirectement ou directement, l'avaient influencé, guidé, inspiré, dans le développement de son travail. Contrairement à beaucoup d'autres artistes, Arman savait que l'on est rien seul, et que l'on ne vient pas de nulle part |
Arman had the recognition of the belly. He paid homage to those which, indirectly or directly, had influenced him, guided, inspired, in the development of his work. Contrary to a lot of other artists, Arman knew that we are is nothing alone, and that we do not come from nowhere |
Arman aveva il riconoscimento del ventre. Rendeva omaggio a quelli che, indirettamente o direttamente, lo avevano influenzato, guidato, ispirato, nello sviluppo del suo lavoro. Contrariamente a molti altri artisti, Arman sapeva che si è nulla solo, e che non si viene di da nessuna parte |
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