Arman à qui un ami qui avait eu des déboires inimaginables
(genre se faire voler sa jambe artificielle lors d'une sieste dans un aéroport
entre deux correspondances, j'en passe et des meilleures) racontait qu'il était à présent "born
again christian" et que Jésus n'était qu'amour et tendresse
pour lui; rétorqua:
-"Eh ben! Manquerait plus qu'il morde..."
Arman to a friend who had been through unbelievable troubles (such as having
his artificial leg stolen as he was taking a nap in an airport between two flights,
and many other stories like that) and who was telling him that he had now become "born
again christian" and that Jesus was all love and tenderness to him; replied:
- "Eh ben! All you'd lack is have him bite in addition..."